Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rob R's Vocab

Description: To falsify or misrepresent the truth
Part of Speech: Verb
Related Words: refute, disprove, controvert
Sentence: Their laughter belied their undeniable grief.
Description: To be done in secrecy, or concealment
Part of Speech: Adjective
Related Words: underhand, confidential, illicit
Sentence: The CIA often does many clandestine operations.
Description: A secret agreement
Part of Speech: Noun
Related Words: intrigue, connivance, complicity
Sentence: John Wilkes Booth acted in a collusion to assassinate Abraham Lincoln
Description: To give a false meaning to something
Part of Speech: Verb
Related Words: hide, camouflage, dissimulate
Sentence: Gravy had to dissemble his incompetence in business in order to pass a marketing class.
Description: Incredibly evil
Part of Speech: Adjective
Related Words: flagitious, heinous, infamous
Sentence: The mad scientist nefariously plotted his revenge. (worst sentence ever)

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Rob: Where are the pix? (-5)