Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ashley Botham Vocab week 3

  1. Belie-

Description- to misrepresent or to contradict

Part of Speech- verb

Related Words- oppose, disagree, deny

Sentence- His trembling body belied his quiet voice.

Photo- on separate sheet

  1. Clandestine-

Description- being done in secrecy

Part of Speech- adjective

Related Words-concealed, covert, undercover

Sentence- The CIA agent clandestinely watched the murder rid the evidence.

Photo- on separate sheet

  1. Collusion-

Description- conspiracy, secret agreement

Part of Speech- noun

Related Words-deceit, double-cross, scam

Sentence- An employee was fired after the boss found out about his collusion.

Photo- on separate sheet

  1. Dissemble-

Description- misleading, false

Part of Speech- verb

Related Words-conceal, cover up, counterfeit

Sentence- The counterfeit money dissembled the real money.

Photo- on separate sheet

  1. Nefarious-

Description- wicked, horrible.

Part of Speech- adjective

Related Words- criminal, sinful, bad

Sentence-The nefarious villain burned down the town.

Photo- on separate sheet

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