Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Belie - to show to be false

POS - verb

Related Words - misrepresent, contradict, disprove (synonyms)

Sentence - Common sense belies The National Inquirer's story on the 3-headed ape born from a whale and a chicken.

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Clandestine - done in private to be kept secret

POS - adjective

Related Words - hidden, confidential, concealment (synonyms)

Sentence - The KKK members held their clandestine meeting in the old warehouse.

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Collusion - a secret agreement especially for illegal purposes

POS - noun

Related Words - connivance, conspiracy, intrigue (synonyms)

Sentence - The two gang members had a collusion to decide what to do next.

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Dissemble - to give a false appearance; to hide the truth

POS - verb

Related Words - camouflage, conceal, mask (synonyms)

Sentence - The intruder tried to dissemble his identity by dressing as a mechanic.

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Nefarious - wicked; mean

POS - adjective

Related Words - vile, atrocious, heinous (synonyms)

Sentence - Child molesters are very nefarious people.

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