Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Marc's Vocab

· Belie
1. To tell a lie or prove something is a lie.
2. Verb
3. contradict-s, misrepresent-s, deception-s
4. Picture -- >
5. New information belies the old theory about evolution.

· Clandestine
1. Doing something without anyone knowing.
2. Adjective
3. secretly-s, stealthy-s, unknowingly-s
4. Picture -- >
5. The ninja make a clandestine attack on his enemy.

· Collusion
1. When two groups secretly help each other to benefit themselves, but screw everyone else.
2. Noun
3. conspiracy-s, hustle-s, connivance-s
4. Picture -- >
5. There was collusion between the poker dealer and Ted to make sure Ted won the game.

· Dissemble
1. To make yourself appear to be someone else.
2. Verb
3. disguise-s, pretend-s, simulate-s
4. Picture -- >
5. The little boy dissembled himself as Spider-Man.

· Nefarious
1. Having no morals, not right.
2. Adjective
3. evil-s, vicious-s, sinful-s
4. Picture -- >
5. The Green Goblin was a nefarious villain.

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