Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gabrielle Whip's Vocabulary

Belie- Definition- to prove false or contradict. POS- verb.Sentence- Out of frustration, the rude actions toward my teammates belied my intentions of success. Related Words- disprove (S), prove (A), disagree (S), oppose (S). Picture- Clandestine- Definition- Done intentionally in secret for deception. POS- Adjective. Sentence- The CIA executed clandestine intelligence operations toward Russia. Related Words- Fraudulent (S), Forthright (A), Secret (S), Sly (S). Picture-
Collusion- Definition- A secret agreement for bad intentions. POS- Noun. Sentence- I created a collusion with Megan to start a horrible rumor about Stacey. Related words- Conspiracy (S), Alliance (S), Cohearance (S). Picture-
Dissemble- Definition- To hide the truth, conceal a true appearance. POS- Verb. Sentence- John dissembled he was ill so he could skip his Calculus test. Related Words- Pretend (S), feign (S), Sham (S), expose (A). Picture-
Nefarious- Definition- Wicked or villainous. POS- Adjective. Sentence- The nefarious schemes of Cruella Deville put the innocent dalmation puppies in danger. Related Words- Atrocious (S), Detestable (S), iniquitous (S), Admirable (A). Picture-