Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ashley Botham Vocab

  1. Providentially-

Description: Opportune, fortunate, or lucky

Part of Speech: adverb

Related Words: Happily, well, and successfully.

Sentence: The providential women won the lotto twice!

Picture: http://www.winningwithnumbers.com/lottery/how-to-win/winning-the-lottery.gif

2. Perdition-

Description: a state of final spiritual ruin; damnation

Part of Speech: noun

Related Words: underworld, condemnation, and punishment.

Sentence: After hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans the city was left in perdition.

Picture: http://www.geekroar.com/film/archives/underworld.jpg

3. Sardonic-

Description: characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Related Words: Arrogant, bitter, and sneering.

Sentence: The sardonic principle disliked many of the students in her school.

Picture: http://images.jupiterimages.com/common/detail/93/01/23300193.jpg

4. Sarcastic-

Description: of, pertaining to, or characterized by sarcasm.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Related Words: satirical, arrogant, and severe.

Sentence: The sarcastic teacher told her students a 50 page paper was due the next day.

Picture: http://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/forum/images/sarcasm.jpg

5. Solipsistic-

Description: the theory that only the self exists, indulgence of one's feelings; desires

Part of Speech: noun

Related Words: egocentric, self centered, and alone/one.

Sentence: The self-centered child was labeled solipsistic by his baby sitter.


1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

25/30...you need to identify your related words as synonyms, antonyms, or etymology.