Thursday, December 6, 2007

Emily's Vocab

1. Providentially (adverb)
Description: being lucky or fortunate
Related Words: luckily (s), fortunately (s), auspiciously (s)
Sentence: Providentially, I arrived on time.
2. Perdition (noun)
Description: hell
Related Words: condemnation (s), affliction (s), damnation (s)
Sentence: A Christian believes that you will spend eternity in perdition if you do not believe in Christ.
3. Sardonic (adjective)
Description: bitterly scornful
Related Words: cynical (s), arrogant (s), scornful (s)
Sentence: The man's sense of humor wasn't funny, it was sardonic and hurtful.
4. Sarcastic (adjective)
Description: a mocking tone, ridicule
Related Words: contemptuous (s), corrosive (s), taunting (s)
Sentence: The sarcastic remark made the girl cry.
5. Solipsistic (adjective)
Description: self-absorbed
Related Words: egoistic (s), self-absorption (s), preoccupation with self (s)
Sentence: The teenage girl sounded very solipsistic when talking about her weekend at the lunch table.