Monday, December 3, 2007

Nicole's Vocab

1. Providentially

P.O.S- It is an adverb.
Description- It is simular to being guided or having a predeturmined path.
Sentence- He was providentially guided by God to do good, after a moving mass ceremony, only to be rewarded in the after life.
Related Words-Synonyms are luckily, oppourtunely and fortunately.

P.O.S- It is a noun.
Description- It is something that is totally destroyed or that is close to damnation.
Sentence-The perdition of September 11 was indescribable with the amount of damage done.
Related Words-Synonyms are destruction, ruin, and break.

P.O.S- It is an adjective.
Description- It is something that may or may not be funny in a mocking sense.
Sentence- The senoirs at the gym give off a sardonic feeling because it is humerous but I must show respect for my elders.
Related Words-Synonyms are humerous, mocking, and sarcastic.

P.O.S- It is an adjective.
Description- It is an ironic comment told to give a little pain.
Sentence- The sarcastic remark given to Tom on his outfit made him consider what he would wear the next day to avoid further hurtful remarks.
Related Words-Synonyms are scornful, ironic and mocking.

5. solipsistic
P.O.S- It is a noun.
Description- It is someone or thing only concerned with themselves.
Sentence- The man only cared about himself getting out of a burning building and did not think to help his neighboors.
Related Words- Synonyms are egocentrism, self-absorbed, selfish.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good job, Nicole