Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tori's Vocab

POS: Providentially is an adverb.
Description: Providentially is something happening luckily or by chance.
Related Words: favorably, opportunely, prudently (S)
Use In Sentence: The defendant played a providentially played role in the case.

POS: Perdition is a noun.
Description: Perdition is a state of spiritual ruin or loss of soul.
Related Words: abyss, condemnation, damnation (S)
Use in Sentence: Those who will not accept Christ are sent to the endless life of perdition eternally.

POS: Sardonic is an adjective.
Description: Sardonic means characterized by bitterness, or cynical.
Related Words: carping, caustic, derisive (S)
Use in Sentence: The judge's sardonic decisions on racism were shown very clearly.

POS: Sarcastic is an adjective.
Description: Sarcastic is pertaining to or characterized by sarcasm.
Related Words: biting, cutting, mordant (S)
Use in Sentence: Her sarcastic comments portrayed her inner feelings of the relationship.

POS: Solipsistic is an adjective.
Description: Solipsistic is the preoccupation with one self's feelings and emotions.
Related Words:self-absorbed, emotional (S)
Use in Sentence: By taking charge of her counseling session Kate demonstrates her solipsistic qualities.