Thursday, September 20, 2007

Brittany D's Vocab (9/20)

6. Paradigm
Description: A set of things where all of them contain an element that is the same.
POS: noun
Synonyms: Ideal, mirror, pattern
Sentence: My aunts wall paper is a paradigm with small farm houses and thin lines going throughout the whole thing.
Picture: Separate

7. Philology
Description: A form of study where someone studies linguistics, along with a documents authenticity and original form.
POS: noun
Synonyms: Linguistics, language, love of learning
Sentence: If my grandma wanted to, she could have been a philologist because she loves the English language and she loves to learn.
Picture: Separate

8. Phonology
Description: The study of patterns in languages speech sounds, and studying the way words are pronounced.
POS: noun
Synonyms: pronunciation, accent, dialect
Sentence: People who write poetry must be very good at practicing phonology, so that their words rhyme.
Picture: Separate

9. Rhetoric
Description: Being able to use language effectively when exaggerating or trying to display something.
POS: noun
Synonyms: big talk, rant, delivery
Sentence: Great story tellers can use rhetoric and make you believe what they are saying.
Picture: Separate

10. Syntax
Description: Study of rules for the formation of grammatical sentences.
POS: noun
Synonyms: alphabet, fundamentals, linguistics
Sentence: Publishers must be very good at using syntax.
Picture: Separate

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