Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gabrielle Whip's Vocabulary

Paradigm- POS- noun Description- A pattern or example Related Words- archetype, original, standard Sentence- To keep the procedure accurate they followed the paradigm. Picture-

Philology- POS- Noun Description- The study of literature in detail. Words- literature, linguistics, and diction. Sentence- The English teacher reviewed the philology of ancient cultures. Picture-Phonology- POS- Noun Description-The study of patterns of language as well as speaking. Words- language, phonetics. Sentence- We took a speech class to learn phonology and better our communication. Picture-

Rhetoric- POS- Noun Description- Correct and efficient use of language. Related Words- vernacular, speech, and diction. Sentence- The rhetoric in my college essay was extremely impressive, I am definatly in. .Picture-
Syntax- POS- Noun Description- Relating phrases and words within sentences. Related Words- syntactic, structure, diction and phrase .Sentence- The syntax of "Heart of Darkness" was incredible. Picture-

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Great Job, Gabrielle! 30/30