Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Vocab words

1. picture separate
2. Fortunate; lucky
3. adverb
4. happy, joyous, prosperous
5. If the bank robber didn't providentially leave evidence, the police wouldn't have caught him.

1. picture separate
2. a state of final spiritual ruin; loss of the soul
3. noun
4. affliction, punishment, suffering
5. The damage from the earthquake left the city in a state of perdition.

1. picture separate
2. mocking; sneering
3. adjective
4. biting, mordant, contemptuous
5. The bully had a sardonic grin on his face.

1. picture separate
2. using sarcasm; a mode of satirical wit for a bitter effect
3. adjective
4. mordant, bitter, ironic
5. The boy responded to the teacher with a sarcastic answer.

1. picture separate
2. caring about your personal feelings
3. adjective
4. egocentrism, desire, obsessive
5. The solipsisic girl didn't care about her friend's feelings.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Toni, you need to identify whether related words are synonyms,antonyms, or etymology (-5).
20/30 unless you have pix when you return.