Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kevin O'Hara | Week 2 Vocabulary

Kevin O’Hara
Mrs. Schellenberg
WFTRW – 2nd Hour
19 September 2007

Vocabulary – Week of 9/17

-A paradigm is an example or display of something.

-model, prototype, sample
-The model car is a paradigm of the actual vehicle.

-Philology is the study or literature and official records.

-linguistics, literature, writing
-I plan to study philology in college.

-Phonology is the study of speech sounds and language.

-phonetics, pronunciation, language
-I enjoy the phonology of Spanish.

-Rhetoric is the art and ability to effectively use language.

-bombast, composition, verbosity
-The comedian’s rhetoric was well-received by the audience.

-A syntax is a system or orderly arrangement.

-elements, fundamentals, morphology
-Many computer programs are written using syntaxes.

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