Thursday, September 20, 2007

Stacey Richter's vocab, week 2


Describe: a pattern of words
POS: Noun
Synonyms: Chart, model, and sample
Picture: on seperate sheet of paper
Sentence: Triangle, circle, square, and rectangle are all a pattern so they're a paradigm.


Describe: when you study old records written down
POS: Noun
Synonyms: study, old, determin
Picture: on seperate sheet of paper
Sentence: The student took philology so he could study old documents.


Describe: studying a certain pattern
POS: Noun
Synonyms: pattern, study, language
Picture: on seperate sheet of paper
Sentence: The colors on her shirt were phonology becasue it was a pattern.


Describe: using words right and persuasivly
POS: noun
Synonyms: hot air, rant, tall tale, address
Picture: on seperate sheet of paper
Sentence: He didn't want the rhetorcal question answered out loud on;y thougth about.


Describe: learning the rules of grammer
POS: noun
synonyms: accident, principles, elements, structure
Picture: on seperate sheet of paper
Sentence: English class helps you study proper synax so you can learn proper grammer.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Phonology" The study of sounds in a language: phonics, language, auditory soud system of a language.
"Rhetoric": Check your orthography! Two misspelled words.
"Syntax": you misspelled the vocabulary word in your sentence!